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The ideal holiday for your family

Among the greatest admirers of our farm there are certainly children. What  our young guests most apreciate are the animals, of course. Both cattle that pigs are born in our farm with all natural method. We have the Boar and the Bull both with the related females which makes  that we often have small calves and piglets born from a few days. More rarely even smaller foals. In addition to the animals the children also appreciate very much the space you have available and also if there are typical equipment of playground type swings or slides if children are left free to do they think of all the games you need. There are hazards to traffic because the road ends the Farm that will be parents to decide how much freedom can enjoy their children. There are many families who return year after year to find that now have very clear this concept so often that children pass the time with us to observe all things that you do during the day to care for the animals while parents dealing with another.

Az. Agricola Cà Maddalena s.s. Loc. Cà Maddalena 61033 Fermignano (PU) P.Iva: 02099510410
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